The emergence of Quail Coalition began in Dallas, TX, when the leadership of Park Cities Quail Unlimited decided to form its own independent 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. The drive behind this effort was the desire to retain ownership of funding raised at local events, of which Park Cities Quail achieved the designation as the largest grossing chapter in the nation. The ability to direct their funds raised to the quail conservation beneficiary of their choice was appealing to the other local quail groups in Texas, and the consolidation was initiated to form what is now known as Quail Coalition. By only having a single employee and limiting operational overhead, we are able to direct virtually 100% of every dollar raised towards quail research, habitat improvement, and youth outreach programs like Bobwhite Brigade. The organization is currently comprised of 10 local chapters around the State of Texas, and over 3,000 active members.

The mission statement of Quail Coalition is “to sustain and restore huntable wild quail populations, to encourage and educate interested youth, and to celebrate our quail hunting heritage in this region”. Quail Coalition works toward this mission by minimizing overhead, and targeting over $2 million annually towards quail research and conservation. The Rolling Plains Quail Research Ranch, Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, The Quail-Tech Alliance, the Wildlife Toxicology Lab-Texas Tech, Sul Ross Borderlands Research Institute, Tall Timbers, and The Wildlife Habitat Federation count themselves among the beneficiary groups working to solve the puzzling decline of the bobwhite quail in our region.